Today's entry in the Missouri Natural Events Calender reads: " Its tome to look for common Morel Mushrooms"-
Well, I took it as a hint and set off for the only place I'd ever seen one: Lakeside Nature Centre. A few years ago a single large morel popped up in the mowed lawn near the shelter in the back-I looked the shrooms up on the web and read that they could be found in clearings, forest edges, burned areas and especially dead elm trees. The site told me to search on Warm, Sunny days after a rain.
I passed LNC and hit Rocky point. I decided that I hadnt been in a while and wanted to see if anything was blooming. I walked the fireline behind the hogan- down the first rushing creek- the Great Divide.
The trout lilys (dog-toothed violets) are everywhere, but are scattered. I remember finding them in thick patches, but these were all individual plants a few feet apart. There where white ones and purple ones, and ones of every shade and color between. There were more blooming plants on the unburned portion of the glades.
There was a regular violet, too, but no mushrooms. I cut down to the glade for a while, but found nothing but charcoal and grass sprouts.
the redbud in our backyard has small, deep-coloured buds on it. They are not flowering yet, but I cant imagine that RPG's flowers are too far away!
I scanned the glades for the showy white service berry trees, but found none. They should be blooming by now! Back up through the woods and to the truck- I searched every dead tree and light area I came across- there were alot!
No mushrooms. Can anyone tell me where to find them? I am more interested in photographing them than picking, but have never ate them either, and would love to try! Or let me know if you find any so that I know they're out there? Leave a comment or e-mail- I'd be very grateful!
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