On the southern horizon grew large storm clouds- I dont know what you'd call them, but they were large, tall, white- What you would expect to see in a may thunderstorm.
I wondered through new parts of the park-used unfamiliar trails and found familiar landmarks. The ground is becoming green- moss is everywhere and the base of the bluestem is growing fast. I stumbled through a bunch of burnt cedars- the bare ground is supporting an odd fungi or lichen. The green/red parts of the organism look scaley- like a lichen; the dead parts seem more like a fungus. The tips of the 'flowers' are burnt from our late NOV. burn.
Found somebody's LEATHER GLOVE. Its a nice left-hand one with velcro, elastic and the initial M written on the back in red. Ive got it if its yours; I promise to only charge a minimal finder's fee!
I wondered a bit further- found myself on the pond-side of a fencerow that stretch from the barn to the prairie. An ancient osage shaded the edge of the prarie.
Glove returned to owner-
Local Naturalist familiar w/ park thought it may be a SOLDIER LICHEN.
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