Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rock point

Ive visited the glades several times since my last post about them- just haven't had alot of time to sort photos.

They are really spectacular right now- everything from the little ink sorrels and spring beauties to columbine, pucoons and the Hyacinth are blooming. I have found a different species of pucoon- one that I was not familiar with until I looked it up. It sits on the bend of the second glade- on the left side of the trail. YELLOW PUCOON.
It can be told from the Orange (hoary) pucoon by the teeth on the edge of each pedal and the bright yellow colour. The orange pucoon is, well, orange and does not have obvious teeth. See the last glades post I did for the area to find the orange Pucoon.

I saw a skink in the trail and stopped. I watched him hop onto a log and watch me. I got low and inched toward him until I was only a few feet away- cant believe he did not run! He only put his head low to the log when I got closer and took this pose. Also found an american toad and an ancient three-toed box turtle. A scale was missing from his back and the bone shell was bleached white. His face was wrinkled and his beak worn- with a little imagination he couldve resembled a weathers old man. On the Hogan side of the great divide is a patch of Hyacinth and the bluff below it is dotted with red columbine flowers. The squaw-weed is in full bloom, as is the verbena- the glades are very colorful and the yellows, pinks, oranges and reds are a great site.

Saturday's planting was a success- couldnt have asked for better weather!! RPG had ~20 volunteers, Jsmith had more like 60 !
Lots of folks had lots of fun and we planted many flats of natives.

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