Tuesday, April 29, 2008


My photo on top of the same subject as Kevin Sinks' below- his taken 10+ yrs ago? in minor park
One of my favorite photos is one by Kevin Sink of the blue river in Spring. I found it in Larry Rizzo's book, Kansas City Wildlands, on page 11. I wanted to re-shoot it this year ad ever since the redbuds bloomed Ive watched the river's conditions for height and turbidity. For the first time this season, the river had ideal conditions for re-shooting Sink's photo. I was not real sure where it was on the river, but knew of a similar location.
I went to where I recognized the two trees in the photo- in minor park. I waded across the river and scaled the hill on the other side. The photo was in my head, but I could only go from memory and havent seen it in several days- since I took the book out to try to find its location last week.
I found where I thought might be it, but it looked to crowded to be Sink's photo. I took the photo and wondered the park to fill up my CF.
Well, it turns out that I had found Sink's photo, but not exactly.
The redbud is being choked by a thicket of honeysuckle and the woods on the edge of the 'cliff' are crowded. Its too bad, but the area is is KCWILDLANDS schedule- theyve just focused their efforts on the other side of the river where the honeysuckle, iuonymous and garlic mustard are a greater threat. We'll get there eventually... I will be clearing this particular area before the end of the season so that I could re-try next year... hopefully earlier in the season, too!
I saw several very cool warbler birds. They appeared to be blk+w until one flew to a perch only a few yards away when I noticed the yellow on his breast. I think it may have been a yellow-throated warbler.

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