Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rocky point Glades

Oyster Mushrooms are back! These edibles will likely only remain for a week or so before they dissapear until late fall/early winter.

I was over there several times over the past few days and decided it was finally time to empty my memory card. All of Swope Park is green and pink- the redbuds are a gorgeous sign of spring and a reminder of how beautiful our natural areas are after those long, bland winters.
Most of the wildflowers in the woods are still going strong and those on the glades are becoming more numerous and colorful everyday! The reptilian world is once again becoming active... found a black rat, two ringnecks, a *****wormsnake***** and a handful of five-lined skinks. One of the skinks was missing the better part of his tail and two others were getting their orange.

I saw blooming:
False rue anenome
squaw weed
rose verbena
spring beauty
wood sorrel
orange puccoon
some kind of cinquefoil?
Black Mustard, garlic mustard***bad and evil!***

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