Thursday, April 24, 2008

more 'shrooms..

Last night was a warm, wet one- just the kind that grow mushrooms. I went to a site I had not searched yet- An open, burned one (hint, hint) I found my first Morel immediately in a blackened spot that got full sunlight- others soon followed, but they were very scattered and I found only one cluster of them. The cluster grew out of a pile of woodchips and contained five mushrooms, of which I took three.

I found alot of giant, ugly ones too.. They were 4-8inches in diameter and were dark brown/red. I think that these are called FALSE MORELS and I left them alone. They were about as numerous as the Morels.

A tiny boxturtle shuffled through the vegitation under the trees at the edge of a field. He did not seem to mind me much- was only as big as an eisenhower $. I got infront of him and took some photos as he climbed a stick on the ground. It was a bit tall for him and His little face broke his fall on the other side. i found an anenome in the woods (different from the False Rue Anemone that Ive been finding) Click on the photo of the Morel for a cool close-up!

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