Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Minor Park and the Blue

Ive walked miles today and seen all sorts of springtime, but the sun felt so good on my skin and I decided that I hadnt had enough. Back to Blue river road and South.

The park appeared to be buzy at first- before I realized that all the commotion in the parkinglot was all about the tennis courts. This trail was muddy and very slick. The river is way high and more turbid than I think Ive ever seen it. It rushed through the lowest level of trees and tore at the mucky bank. I stirred up some cricket frogs near the water.

I have read all about the morel mushrooms and have decided that the park was my best bet- It had the sandiest soil and the elms, pines and maples that Ive read about. I hiked all over the park. I examined every dead log and under every pine tree.

The ground is carpeted with yellow, white and purple violets and False rue anemone. There are also flowering trout lilies and toothwarts, though they arent as common. I even stumbled on a Dutchman's breeches. It was small and pathetic-looking, but it was indeed a flowering dicentra!

I went to the Martha Truman tributary and turned back. There is a lot of new trash in the river-

I turned back and took the higher terrace back to the truck. I found a small thicket of pears- they are blooming and the flowers were absolutly everywhere! I flipped through a pile of rusted metal that had been dimped off the road and discovered a few ringnecks and some cool beetles.
The sun sank until it was hidden behind the trees on the other bank of the river, but I swear I can still feel it. The smell of dusk came about and chased me out of the brush. No morels, but some cool photos.

I did manage to find s small patch of whatever kind of 'shrooms these are. They were very hidden and were each about 1" tall... not morels.

I would love to fine the Morel mushrooms, but have never found them before, but once in a lawn behind lakesideNC. I would love some tips or just some feedback explaining what Im doing wrong.
Ive been told that they like N and S facing hills the warm day after a good rain and prefer sandy soils under or in dead or dying trees. I read that they could often be found in the same spots as mayapples, but have looked through my fare share of those! Please leave a comment if you have any advice for me !

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