Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Isley Park woods

Isley park, in Excelsior Springs, is well know for it's spring flowers. I figured that this morning could very well be the last sun we'd get before the blooms begin to die off- The forecast calls for days of rain. I took the drive- it was the first time I'd visited the park in years.
I hiked up and down and side to side on the hill above the second shelter on Lover'slane. There is a lot of just about everything up, but the great majority of plants had no flowers. The Bloodroot appeared to have already bloomed and I found only 3 flowers (2.5)..
The higher I got on the hill, the more dutchman's breeches and bellworts were blooming, and the False Rue Anemones dominated the lower portions with the spring beauty. There were only a handful of toothwort's in flower and theye were scattered.
I kept an eye out for those damn Morels- I even got on my knees to search the bases of decaying logs and trees, but found no Morels... Maybe they've already come and gone with the bloodroot and just had a small enough crop that I never found one?

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