Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Minor Park

Winter Creeper- Invasive exotic vine at minor park and throughout the blue River Corridor
I visited the park at about 4:30 this evening. It is very muddy and the river is edging the first bank as a result of the weekends rains. It was a little over forty degrees this afternoon, and I found all sorts of unexpected critters- insects and spiders, Even a small, very cold cricket frog! Some gnats and flies glittered in the sunlight over the river and between dark trees. A pileated screamed over the tops of the bald trees. The maples are beginning to bloom. On the ground, fescue and garlic mustard are green and the onion grass is getting there.

I flipped a few stones near the shore of the river. The water was dark and turbid. I discovered a few smaller, green caddis larvae and a large mayfly. When I was playin with the picture, I set it to Blk&W just to see what it would look like- The body blended in perfectly w/ the stone- I could only find two dark eyes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi~
    You're aunt gave me your blog address to check out your pictures. She was right - they're absolutely beautiful. You have a fine eye. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of the world.
