Monday, February 18, 2008

BlueRiverGlades sunset

I spent the last 30min of daylight at the glades. The southern horizon was dark and there was a heavy blanket of cloud weighing down the sky. The sun has peaked in and out of the clouds all day. At times it was nothing but clear, blue skies. Other times it was dark and gloomy and snow flurries fell.
The sun fell lower and lower. soon it was nothing but shadows and silhouettes. A small woodpecker flipped through the sky- From one side of the glade to the other with the deep blue to its back. A pair of barred owls started up. I never saw them, but their duet seemed to be rising from the creek bed below the glade and off the hill across the way.
The moon was bright and almost full- it sat craddeled in any tree i wished it to- as long as I was willing to do some moving around. Wednesday it will be eclipsed and made dark and red by the earths shadow- In the evening from 9:01 - 9:52 pm-- It will be fully eclipsed for only a moment around 9:30.. good luck if you choose to watch!

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