Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The moon was low on the horizon and was to the NE when I took this photo around 11pm the other evening. Mars was very bright and was located just below and to the right of the moon. It was very beautiful.
I shot this photo with the 300mm lens at 1/320 @ 5.6. I tried getting mars in the photo but all of my attempts made the moon too bright and/or mars was invisable. I'll figure it out.

I believe that the color in this photo was due to the light passing through our atmosphere and bending before being reflected off of the moon. It is what makes the moon bright red, yellow or orange during an eclipse or when the moon is close to the horizon. In this photo, the moon is ~81% illuminated.

Keep an eye out over the next week or so! The moon will rize after 9:30 (tonight it will rise at 9:21 and will come up later for the rest of the week.), and will stick close to mars throughout the night!.

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