Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jerry Smith Park Burn


We burned the entire prairie today. The fire was the largest that I'd ever participated in and took about 5 hours. The start was confusing and overcrowded, but as the day progressed and people left I became more comfortable. It was the first event like it I think the news has covered- Many photographers attended and even had a helicopter land near the event. Ive watched the local news, but haven't seen anything- Imagine that!
Most of the day was pretty uneventful, but there was a few exciting moments. However, the entire day was beautiful and full of nice photo opportunities. I felt that there was a lot of bad communication between volunteers and I am eager to learn more- so that I can make decisions for myself.

Parts of the fire were very hot- others were cool and smokey.

This depended on the type of fuel and the wind. The green fescue burned slow and with dark smoke- the dryer, dead bluestem and oily cedar burned hot and quickly.

I was surprised to find large amounts of insects and other creepy crawlies fleeing the fire. Like this grasshopper, many of the creatures who flee get burned or suffocate in the thick smoke that is trapped low in the brush. Most creatures hide in or under downed trees, logs and moist earth. These critters are not harmed, as the fire rolls over them and does not significantly heat the ground.

don't know why I like this one- not too many others seem to.

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