Friday, October 30, 2009


Sold the truck for $500 Monday. Maybe I could have charged more money for it, but as a friend put it "I feel sorry for the guy you sold it to." The thing had passed 302K miles and was sold with a cracked windshield, two bald tires and a failing exhaust system... ...some major dents, a wooden 'tailgate', a busted passengers-side mirror... ETC.
I snagged some bobble-heads and superman from the dash, and the few things that hung from rear-view mirror have been divided amongst a couple of people who shared the truck the most! It will spend the rest of its days somewhere it Western Johnson County
I guess 10,000miles in three and a half months is a little much for such a truck.? But check out my shiny new PURPLE SUV! My father helped me get a good deal on a new 4x4 thing- I'm not too sure how I feel about the electronic everythings in it, but it sounds like a sports car compared to the old dodge!
(It looks even better covered in MUD!!!)

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