Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Snowy End

Snow a week ago, and 72*degrees yesterday! Today is the last of the season for Shadowcliff- they're kickin us out. The building is shut down for the winter-doors boarded and all! Its made for a hectic last week of work- the last of our guests left on Sunday.
Its been an excellent season for me- Ive climbed Long's Peak, Cascade, Cumulus and Mt. Ida, and have seen the areas most vivid fall colour-change in years. The people here are awesome.
The season has been very frustrating for me, too. Job-applications have led nowhere, the truck doesn't want to run and the laptop and external hard drive on which ALL of my photos were exclusively saved have crashed and left me heartbroken. (the lack of photos is the reason for the lack of up-to-date blog posts) I even celebrated my first exhibit at the Grand Lake Fall Festival this year. Shadowcliff gave Kelly and I a booth to show my pics and Kelly's excellent artwork. it was a successful one!
I have photos from this season, though, and intend to write and post about all of my fall mountain-adventures as soon as I find a reliable computer! For now, though, Kelly and I are on the road. We will spend many days driving through CO, UT, AZ, NV and beautiful California!
So finally, THANKS and GOODBYE, Shadowcliff! The pic below was the last morning's view from the point- looking on to Shadow Mountain and over Tunnel road. Kelly and I climbed Shadow just last week to look down at the lakes and town from the ol' fire tower. Beautiful!


  1. so sorry about your hard drive, etc. We have some of your photos on file here and can get them to you whenever. Best of luck in your travels dylbug!

  2. Congrats on the job and the upcoming winter adventure.
