Monday, February 2, 2009

Prairie Sunset

I headed back for home after the last of my Friday classes; The drive was the best one yet!
The remains of last week's big snowfall reflected everything the sky had to offer... Clouds marbled the sky between the sun and me in a beautiful and threatening way-
The rolling hills north of Savannah were orange, black and white and it all came together to send a mixed message of peace and turbulence.
All sorts of hawks and kestrels- even the occasional eagle. The birds of prey, a few flocks of crows and an early party of American Robins were much closer than all of the geese above, but not as noticeable.
The non-stop black chains of Canada Geese stretched to and from all horizons, as they had all day, but the late-afternoon light kinda forced them to my attention-
Traversing such calm country with no camera batteries was killing me, but I got home soon enough- I made a quick exchange of things and made it to JerrySmith Park as soon as I was able. ..
Almost felt bad for stopping home without seeing or greeting my parents (almost)-- haven't been home in a couple of weeks, but if they had been paying any attention to the spectacular sunset, they would've understood! I spent only a few minutes on the property- I hate having the park's kind caretaker chase me out...
Still, I got some cool photos and a much-needed breathe of something a bit more natural and peaceful than Campus. . enjoy!

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