Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hill on Fire!

Shot a lot of black and white on this one- Something that does not usually work well with our fires. I guess that we started burning early enough to take advantage of the morning light.
Twenty acres is the largest (prescribed) burn that RockyPoint Glades have had- and every acre burnt well!
Winds became iffy, but the thin fuel loads were extraordinarily dry! Our 10-15mph southerly winds turned into a light one and some scary gusts popped out of the east! We watched the eastern line well and had no problems.
Several City people came- the city gave some equipment for the day, too. Other volunteers joined us on the glades- everyone excited for the first local burn in almost a year!
The torches dripped and that familiar smell filled my face- The smoke got thicker and you could taste it. It billowed from the thickest beds of litter and started to cook your eyes... and in some weird way it felt nice. The dirtiest, hottest, most destructive thing to hit the glades, other than a good severe storm, is as refreshing for me as it will be for the soil and vegetation.

all of the black and white was fun, but you've got to get some COLOUR!
At the base of the hill- along Oldham road- the flames grew tall. Any line was invisible, but the leaf-litter was easy enough to manage. A tall stand of thistles and oats lit up and the radiant heat was enough to create a sun-burn sensation on exposed skin. FUN!

1 comment:

  1. A fine burn! Are we having fun yet? Always! Liked the BWs. rr
