Friday, January 16, 2009

The Glades


I visited the hill- wanted to hit the Rocky Point Glades, but you know what kind of distractions are up there... Some cool morning light on the area of the small storage building across from the Lakewood Shelter- made it seem almost surreal. I made a quick jog back from the hogan to try for a photo. The building used to host some of the critters submitted to lakeside nature center for rehabilitaion, but I think that it is only for storage now. I wonder what it was before the NatureCenter got to use it?? many of the ancient stone and wood structures in this section of the park have inspiring stories and have played significant roles in the history of Kansas City. The glades and all are pretty quiet. ( got there, eventually!)
I did manage to locate that patch of oyster mushrooms that I found last spring. They all looked a bit different this time; the mushrooms were all torn and dehydrated like the puff-balls on the same downed tree. Some cool shelf-fungi on this'n too!

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