Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blue River defrost

Minor Park, but only for a short walk. the parking area and trails were unusually busy- lots of joggers. The trail is very rough- horse tracks have turned the mud into a hard, dried trail much rougher than the surrounding terrain. I yanked a rusty square of sheet metal out of a shrub Honeysuckle near the water. The trash is everywhere. There was some lettering on it; a mile-marker or something for the Blue? It was too messed up for a photo: "JACKSON CO., 1-E BLUE RIVER" Any Ideas??
Little ice on the river; it exists only where a branch or rock dips into the water from last night's freeze. Small circles on any twig or vine that is wet- smooth ice-doughnuts with the objects in their centers. Some of the gravel is wet, but today's short bout of sun was enough to thwart the frozen stuff.. it's just water.
The river is lower than I expected it would be- just enough water is running to fill the familiar little channel between the trail a the largest gravel bar. Its got me hopeful now for more sand on the Missouri River!?

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