Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rocky Point FALL!

Fall in Swope park is always special; seemed to be some of the best Ive seen here on this warm fall day.
The last several days have been up above 70 degrees, though the Fall colour that everyone has anticipated came and went over the weekend. I saw little of it, and most of the trees are now bald. Too bad...

Still, The glade felt like summer. It was gorgeous. A flock of robins, the ground is full of about as many walnuts as fallen leaves.
I did notice a surprising lack of birds. No bluebirds and few finchs or sparrows on the glades now. Little color, too; just the odd-shaped berries of buck brush and the fire-reds and oranges in the sumac.
On surrounding areas, it is the honeysuckle that adds color.The road out is VERY COLOURFUL!
Get out there- its well worth it! The recent week of warm only made it better!

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