Saturday, August 23, 2008

Grand Lake sunrise

Sunrise at shadowcliff is a very special happening, and one that, with all of the mornings Ive been here, I have yet to miss. The occasion is not special because it is rare or even infrequent; it happens almost every morning that is not smothered in low clouds or covered with thick high ones.
The daybreak and dawn lights are so exceptional because of the world that it exposes. Here in THE ROCKIES, the cockcrow means abundant wildlife, extraordinary beauty, and a whole different nature.. This new perspective can have an ordinary meadow adorned in frost and brilliantly lit so that it becomes a wonderland of ice and billowing steam! Even something as simple a pair of trees, a chip of rock, or smooth brook is brought to life in the early morning.
The other morning a moose was found at the end of the parking lot. I approached the bull until I realized the tremendous size of the creature. Its intimidating arms spiked high off his head and created an imaginary force field that fear would not allow me to breach. While the moose walked through this gorgeous morning, each hair on his side and back was illuminated and the warm masses of air that he exhaled were seen as clean smoke until they became too unorganized. Now we know where the whole fire breathing dragon thing came from!
He went about chewing and stepping and breathing and he was awesome. A pair of deer cruised the meadow of the north inlet- they stayed to the shadows for the most part, but for only a few moments at a time, the dancing shadow of a wind-blown aspen would have one or both.

Every sunrise is a bit different on the edge of the park, but al have the ability to give the early bird that exciting perspective of an environment they may have thought they already knew. Cant wait ‘til tomorrow’s!

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