Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blue River Glades

noonish- The ground is still soggy and I fear the trail will be slick. Ive come half to see what was in bloom and half to try my luck with the morels. Blue river road is a gorgeous display of redbuds, pears and even some service berry.
One of the first things I notice- at the base of the hill (the entrance of the trail)- is some kind of lavender-colored phlox. I knelt down to photograph the flower when I realized just how many there were. Amongst them was an odd one that I recognized, but could not identify- I examined one of the strange green plants- there were several around. At the bent top of one I discovered a yellow, droopy flower. It was bellwort!
I peaked over the bluff onto the glade. It is incredible green compared to two days ago, when the redbud was only budding and the service berry were in full bloom. I immediately identified some yellow-eyed grass and pucoons. There are only a few small redbud on the glade-they are on the rocky bluff and are each only a few feet tall. There are others that light-up the woods above the glade,- they are huge and impressive in full bloom.
Some cool little peewee-lookin birds flew over. There were three and they seemed to stick together. On the second glade, there is verbena blooming. I found four large plants and a skimpy one. I wondered below the glades, too. There are acres of mayapples- which were only just popping up the day before yesterday. The poison ivy and virginia creeper are greening up.

This colourful tiger beetle was one of a handful that zipped about the bald spots on the glade... It is of a species that Ive never seen before (big deal!)he only allowed me to get within about four feet of 'em to take the photo before he 'poofed' into invisibilityGarlic Mustard is flowering on the hills above and below the glades.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry- I was looking through a flower book and found that the yellow-eyed grass I mentioned was actually a FALSE GARLIC.
