Tuesday, March 11, 2008

BlueRiverGlades Burn

The burn was sucessful! In my opinion, anyway... Jackson co. and the city teamed up to make it happen.
The trails were muddy-very slick. Early on it was cold and all of the mud was frozen. The cool, brisk wind drove me to put on a jacket, though by 1pm it was too hot. The bases of many plants are becomeing green and most trees are starting to display small, velvet buds.
At 11, the humidity had dropped below 50% and the winds were blowing from the SW at 5mph. The breeze was cold, but it was weak and became overpowered by the sunlight when it struck my face and was warm. It felt as if the sun was melting winter off of my skin and warmed my shirt so that it became hot to touch. We lit under these conditions and where the wind could reach- on the crest of each hill and in the open spaces of the area- the fire was able to burn. Dave did strips along the back fireline until about 50ft of black(ish) was had. From there, bill wraped the glade and tied in with the other group to send a head-fire over the hill. Where the grass was tall and thick enough, the flames could reach maybe 6ft, though it was only on the close corner of the 2nd glade. The fire blackened groundlitter to the edge of the bluffs ( and in a few spots, where it found a crack or hanging debris, over the bluff and below it) and up the glade and savannah until the fuel was only wet leaves. We did a quick mop up and I split. The crew was to eat lunch and return once more to make sure the area was safe.
The fire was very smokey and it just about chokes you to look at the photos. My lungs are sore and my eyes burn- what a great day!

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