Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rocky Point Seeding

Yesterday was the warmest weve had in over a week! Temps a few days ago dipped down to near zero and highs hit only in the low twenties... Yesterday was our first above freezing. A small handful of volunteers met on the 'hill' of swope park-

We spread a large bag of seed on areas of the glade that seem to get more sunlight, and are therefore able to support the native plant life a little easier than those shaded ares under rock or canopy. Volunteers cleared the selected area(s) of large debris and raked the litter away. Usually, the rakes would also break the surface of the dirt in order to create a place to catch and hold the seeds that we then scatter on the bald surfaces; Yesterday the ground was frozen solid!

The seeds were a mix of native grasses like bluestem and indian and flowers/forbs such as coneflowers or sunflowers. We spread the seeds evenly and thick across the cleared areas before we stepped them into the ground and covered them up with the removed leaf litter.
To my surprise, there were quite a few green things under last year's dead stuff. Verbena and ragwort were still coloured from last year- wild onion? and the bases of some of the grasses are poping up for the comming spring - EXCITING!

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