Sunday, January 27, 2008

J smith park

Jerry Smith park offers a nice easy stroll on the natural side any time of year! Yesterday I was careful not to disturb the wet ground. The light covering of ice and snow had a chance to melt for the first time in a while on friday- even more so yesterday!
I stayed off of the main part of the prairie to avoid damaging anything- found some new parts of the area to explore in return! In an attempt to find a shed antler of the large buck I photographed earlier this season I wondered into a wooded area of the park. However, the only thing I found was a large dump. An old 1940's? car, a few engines, wagons, bottles and cans and everything else anybody would want to throw away were rusting in a shrubby ditch- I rummaged through some of it just to see what I could find. A few cool, rusted gears, some ancient coke cans and some tiny coloured medicine bottles were the only things I found of any interest. I salvaged an old pop can and a small green glass bottle- took some photos and notes and continued to the spot where I got that nice landscape on my last visit.


It was approaching the same time of day, but I could not find the patch of grass that made the photo so cool. It was a nice visit- warm and sunny!

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