Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lone Jack CA

This morning was cold- the sky was crystal clear and the wind was non-existent. I arrived at the area around 815am to find that a group of duck-hunters had blanketed a cove of the lake in decoys. We spoke briefly- they had shot three mallard ducks, though the dog had not found one of the birds. I took my usual hike around the lake, through forest, old fields, tall grass and crop.

Nothing real special today, but the weather was PERFECT. The lack of wind created a world of reflections on the surfaces of the lake and ponds. I could not find my quail, but I got two squirrel and spooked a family of deer from their bed.

About half way through, I had not shot at anything- I entered a large plot of Indian grass and stood still. The sparrows and finches filled the air with songs- many of which I did not recognise (this doesnt mean anything). I took a step forward after about 3min. Upon doing so, another woodcock flushed a few feet to my left from a brushy fence row. he circled back and flew in front of me about 30ft away. I quickly mounted my gun and took one shot, I missed and did not shoot again in fear that I would loose him in the grass and brush he seemed to be headed for.

I found the simplicity of a large feather to be beautiful enough to spend a few minutes shooting. It was large, Blk&W, but did not have the bulk or shape of a turkey's. It lay on the ground beneath the corn that was left for the wildlife. I tampered with color saturation to make the color less vivid- I think it came out OK!

Another feather, left from the hunters- that of a mallard. It was still with the water.

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