Thursday, October 25, 2007

Truman SP and HahaTOnka Glades

I am only now posting, but I took this trip with my mother a couple weeks ago. We traveled south to Truman SP, over to Bennet Springs SP, North to Lake of the OzarksSP, West back to Truman, and then SE to Haha tonka SP. It was a very exciting 48hours!!

Though the other locations were nice; trout @the springs and orchids at Ozarks SP, The glades at Truman and Haha Tonka were the highlight of the trip. I have never really explored a glade in the fall until then. The birds were incredible!

An eagle over truman lake. Others, like the pileated woodpecker, vireos, titmice, all sorts of shorebirds, and others swarmed the area!

This strider skimed the surface on the niangua river near bennet springs .

But the glades were the best. Here, a blkJack oak leaf was caught on the remains of some woody at the edge of the HahaTonka glade area.

And a tiny (7in.?) rough green snake was cruizin the leaflitter of the forested area of Haha Tonka. I put him up on this hickory or something and watched him do his magic. This was the first of his species that I had found in the wild since Roaring river several years ago.

A bird? A Plane ? A scorpionfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And our famous Missouri Turanchula on truman SP's glade. A giant famale spooked from under her rock.

We found also some black widow spiders and many small bark scorpions. ... Oh, and an earth snake too !

An abandon church building made a cool subject. The paint was all decayed and a small shed was full of old china was kinda cool!

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