Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lone Jack CA

It almost halloween; You can tell with this chilly fall weather?

It was 70 degrees and beautiful out today. A little breezy, but the critters didnt seem to mind. I met with Larry Rizzo today at Lone Jack Conservation Area. He was going to take a look at some possible remenant glades I had found, and tell me if they were salvageable. We took a hike, found many frogs and saw a few songbirds. He pointed out some buck scratches for me and we stirred up a rabbit.

After we took a look at the site, we determined that it would be necessary to see it again in the spring, when things are in bloom, to know for sure weather the area was worth saving.

The lake on the area is way up, the trails are freshly mowed and maintained, and the fall migration has hit the area. I found a batch of poison ivy before Rizzo arrived that held many chickadees, titmice, wrens, creepers and an assortment of others.

This Myrtle Warbler? perched on a branch a few meters away for only a few seconds. I had enough time to snap a single blurry shot!

Also caught a glimpse of a small gray titmouse like bird with a brightly coloured crown or crest. I was thinkin kinglet, but Im never right. What do you think! Not much is in bloom anymore; some goldenrods, a few asters, and the occasional sunflower. At the very end of our stroll, Larry and I stumbled upon this beautiful purple thing. I didnt recognize the flower, but larry identified it as a late-blooming Ironweed. Cool.


  1. Love the Maple Warbler. What other songbirds did you see? Did you hear them too?


  2. A local naturalist and bird enthusiast, linda williams, confirmed today that the bird pictured in my post was a "yellow-rumped myrtle warbler", and that others, like the kinglet that I thought I saw out there, are in the area this time of year. Keep a look-out!
